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名人名言365收录rick and morty,文章具有启发性,开篇wubba lubba dub dubs 我很不好 我又不想让你知道《rick and morty》Everything real turns fake, e…希望对您有所帮助。

wubba lubba dub dubs 我很不好 我又不想让你知道

rick and morty

《rick and morty》

Everything real turns fake, everything right is wrong.所有真实的东西变得虚假,所有正确的都变成错误。

——Morty《rick and morty》

—Hey,what are you in for?—你因为什么事进来的?—Everyting.—因为一切。

——Rick《rick and morty》

This seems like a good time for a drink and a cold caluated speech with sinster overtones. A speech about politics… About order… Brotherhood… Power. But speeches are for campaigning. Now is the time for action.这个时间似乎很适合来一杯酒,然后发表一个冷酷又算计的演讲,带着邪恶的弦外之音。一个关于政治,关于秩序,友爱,权力的演讲。但是竞选的时候才需要演讲。现在,需要的是行动。

——眼罩Morty《rick and morty》

Homework is stupid,the whole point is to get less of it作业有害智商,正解是少做——Rick(瑞克)

——Rick《rick and morty》


——Rick《rick and morty》

There’s no God Summer,you got to rip that band–aid off right now,you will thank me later.Summer上帝是不存在的,你现在忍受痛苦,以后会感谢我的。——Rick(瑞克)

——Rick《rick and morty》

——Sir,as your accountant I must advise you that these medical espenses are putting you into serious financial jeopardy,you could lose your kingdom作为您的会计师我必须告诉您这些医疗支出会让你的财政达到岌岌可危的地步,您可能会失去您的帝国。——To hell with my kingdom,bean counter.I would trade it all for my human’s health and happiness.去他的帝国,斤斤计较的会计.我愿意倾尽所有来还他的健康和

——Morty 的宠物狗《rick and morty》

Whatever lets you sleep at night.

——Bird Person《rick and morty》

The answer is don’t think about it.

——Rick《rick and morty》


——Rick《rick and morty》


——Rick《rick and morty》

We killed every good person in the house. We’re whats left? What a family.屋里的好人都被我们杀光了。剩下的就是我们?好一家子。

——Jerry《rick and morty》
